Affirmations I love

Brenda Rock

Affirmations are a positive word or statement set in the present tense. They invoke a felt sense of what or how it is you would like to feel at your best. When you are the best version of yourself. My love of words grows constantly as my previous post on some of my favourite poems suggests. I am also a sucker for a good font and typeface! I studied printing technology hundreds of years ago in Bolton St. college and was very interested in the graphic side of how word shapes and form can affect our reading experience. Did you now that some wonderful people invented fonts specifically to help people with dyslexia? The letters are more rounded and no serifs (the fancy, useless bits I call them).

So, it is often said that our bodies process our emotions and our minds the thoughts we have AND we all know now that there is a lot to the mind - body connection in how we function, feel and order our health. When you think about the amount of thoughts we have in any given day, how many of these are telling us how wonderful we are and how many are criticising, comparing and judging us (and others) unnecessarily? When we use an affirmation it creates a feedback to the body too, creating that nice body mind connection in a positive way. They can also help in times of uncertainty when we have to let go and allow things pan out in the way that we may not have control over. They are an affirmation of life. This is not to say that it glosses over all things difficult as in spiritual bypassing but they can ground us a bit in hard times when we have to work through challenges. Here are some I like to use. I incorporate them into the yoga I share in the Being Well members group.

As my consciousness grows, obstacles disappear.

Brenda Rock

Brenda Rock is a Yoga Therapist as well as a facilitator of Hatha, Restorative and Nidra Yoga. She has over 25 years experience in the world of holistic health and wellbeing.Living in Slane, Co. Meath where she has a small studio for live and online classes/trainings. After receiving her 500hr certification in Hatha Yoga from Yoga Therapy Ireland in 2013 and Post Graduate Diploma In Yoga Therapy in 2016, Brenda has continued to expand her knowledge by attending teachings lead by Judith Lasater, Uma Dinsmore Tuli, Donna Farhi, Jillian Pransky and Jane Dancey. Brenda also leads a week long retreat each year on Silver Island, Greece as well as shorter ones in Ireland. She continues her professional studies with a particular interest in Rest and Women’s Health with Menopause to the fore. Brenda also loves to include her joy and curiosity of living close to nature and the land with her writings in her bi-monthly newsletter.